ネックスクリューとリガチャーネジの新機能 New neck screw and ligature screw

New neck screw and ligature screw




Sound in normal condition and with neck screw, ligature screw and The sound change was compared with the amplitude waveform distribution by attaching a damping alloy weight with a magnet. (Patent pending)

楽器: C.G.Conn  マウスピース:VandorenA55

リード:Legere1,5  リガチャー:Selmer1本ネジ




Amplitude waveform distribution in normal














Only vibration-damping alloy neck screws and ligature screws are used

(All products used are handmade prototypes)




For vibration-damping alloy neck screws ,
One damping alloy weight with magnet glued to



Vibration-damping alloy neck screw with two magnetic vibration-damping alloy weights




Damping alloy female threads on the ligature to the damping alloy screws

Neck screw is normal




Normal in order from top to bottom


Normal ↑

Only vibration-damping alloy ↑

For vibration-damping alloy neck screws ,
One damping alloy weight with magnet glued to↑

Vibration-damping alloy neck screw with two magnetic vibration-damping alloy weights↑

Damping alloy female threads on the ligature to the damping alloy screws

Neck screw is normal ↑





For vibration-damping alloy neck screws,
By attaching damping alloy weights with magnets of various weights.
I think anyone looking at this has found that this will give you the blowing feel you prefer.



Finally, a vibration-damping alloy female threaded weight was attached to the ligature screw for measurement. When attached here, the effect is as great as that of the vibration-damping alloy screw, even with the normal neck screw.



The next issue will be a wonder that makes the sound even better than this? I will introduce an item.

制振合金製のスクリューでリード振動が2倍以上になるHow a screw made of a vibration-damping alloy more than doubles the lead vibration


How a screw made of a vibration-damping alloy more than doubles the lead vibration



Explains how replacing ligature screws and neck screws from normal to vibration-damping alloy screws increases lead vibration


First, in the nomal state setting


As shown in the figure below,reed vibration causes the mouthpiece to resonate and vibrate.


In turn, the neck, barrel, and body of the instrument connected to the mouthpiece vibrate in resonance in synchrony.


For example, this situation is like holding a thin board in your hand and sawing it!


In this state, it vibrates violently following the saw. The one who exerts the force is the saw and the one who receives the force is the board.


The one receiving the force is following the one exerting the force and vibrating in resonance. In this state, the saw cannot cut fast enough. It can cut faster by placing this board on a stand and holding it down with the hand.



This principle, in which the ability of the saw to cut is increased when the vibration of the one receiving the force is suppressed and the one exerting the force is strengthened, increases the saw’s ability to cut.


The same principle applies to saxophones and clarinets: if the vibration of the mouthpiece, neck and barrel of the saxophone or clarinet is suppressed, the vibration of the reed will increase.

そこでサックスやクラリネットのリードを受ける方を抑えるために、 制振合金製ネジをネック及びリガチャーにつけることで、マウスピース ネック及びバレルの振動を抑制して板を抑えるのと同じ効果が出る

To suppress the person receiving the saxophone or clarinet reed, a vibration-damping alloy screw is attached to the neck and ligature, which has the same effect of suppressing the vibration of the mouthpiece neck and barrel, thereby suppressing the board.








for ligature            

the vibration-damping alloy screw 8g



for neckscrew 16.4g for neck the vibration-damping alloy screw 16.4g


ノーマルネジ使用     KRK Audio Tolls アプリ使用 ↑

Amplitude waveform distribution when sound is produced only from the neck of the alto saxophone ↑     Normal screw used


8g制振合金ネジ使用  Using the KRK Audio Tools app ↑

Amplitude waveform distribution when sound is produced using only the neck of the alto saxophone ↑                                     8g Vibration-damping alloy screws used





A magnet is attached to the end of the vibration-damping alloy screw.

The sound is better than the screws that are attached to the instrument from the beginning,
From here, you can choose various blowing sensations of your choice by yourself.
You can also choose the sound you want to hear.

We will tell you more about this in the next issue.

制振合金性のネジをつけることで音が大きくなり音がきれいになり、 フォルテシモからピアニシモの幅がすごく大きくなる。

By adding a damping alloy screw, the sound becomes louder and cleaner, and the range from fortissimo to pianissimo becomes very wide.


I have just explained the vibration-damping alloy screw, and by changing to this vibration-damping alloy screw, the environment will return to the original vibration of the reed.

例えば、かかとを上げた運動靴を履いて走っている状態といえます。 足に負担なく楽に早く走れ、何も考えずにいろんなパフォーマンスが 発揮できます。  これはリード振動が2倍以上に増えたサックスなどの楽器演奏においても同じことが言えます。


For example, it can be said that you are running wearing athletic shoes with a raised heel. You can run fast and easy without any burden on your feet. You can perform in various ways without thinking. The same can be said for playing musical instruments such as saxophone, where the lead vibration has more than doubled.

それに比べノーマルネジではスリッパのようにした運動靴を履いて走っている状態です。早く走れないし、常に足元に気を使います。    リード楽器ができて今日までかかとを踏んだこの状態のサウンドが、 綺麗な音として聞いていました。

In contrast, with normal screws, you are running in athletic shoes that are probably made to look like slippers. You can’t run fast, and you have to constantly watch your feet. Since the creation of reed instruments, I have always heard the sound of a reed instrument in this state with the heel on the foot as a good sound.

今まで、本発明のようにマウスピース、ネック、バレルの共鳴振動を抑えると誰も音が数段良くなるとは思わなかった。 これについて共鳴振動を抑制すると楽器に伝わる振動が小さくなって全く良い音が出ないと考えられていた。そのためこのような非常識的な発想が出なかったと思われる。

Until now, no one thought that suppressing the resonant vibration of the mouthpiece, neck, and barrel, as in the present invention, would improve the sound by several orders of magnitude. It was thought that if resonance vibration was suppressed, the vibration transmitted to the instrument would be reduced and no good sound would be produced at all. It is believed that this is why such an insane idea did not emerge.




For more information, please see suzzyy.net This vibration-damping alloy screw is patent pending.

Thank you for your interest so far!